Introduction to Diamond Painting
If you are a crafter or an artist then do know how to diamond paint? It’s a form of diamond art form that is becoming very popular in the crafting world and the artists are embracing this art form with all their heart. Based on the concept of mosaics and paint by numbers, small sparkling tiles or pieces are put in painting to make the pattern that resembles the diamond. These pieces together builds an extremely colorful design that gives you finished sparkled and shiny painting.
Creating a diamond art is easy and enjoyable activity. The shiny tiles or diamond like facets that you use in painting are colour matched with the thread colours and are about 2.5mm in size. One side of the sparkle is put in such a way in painting that it gets stuck into it giving a beautiful design. It’s similar to cross stitch that’s why it’s also called diamond cross stitch.
There are two types of diamond pieces (beads) that you can use for painting – square and round beads. But before you start your first painting you should know the difference between two.
The square beads are of size 2.5mm and the round beads are of size 2.8mm. There is a free space between the round beads and they are shinier than square ones.
You can create the diamond art in two ways:
Partial drill - When a part of printed area is not drilled with beads and left uncovered, this diamond art is called partial art.
Full drill – When the full printed area is covered with the beads, then this kind of diamond art is full drill
Partial Drill Diamond Painting
If you do not know how to diamond paint, then start with the diamond art of partial drill, diamonds cover only parts of the painting instead of whole painting. It comes in various size varies from small to XL or 20 X 17 cm (small) to 50 X 40 cm (extra Large). Partial diamond painting kit is the best way to get into this addicted hobby. Each painting kit includes 30 different colors that don’t let you to be bored. Other important tools like canvas, diamonds diamond pen, diamond tray and wax pad is also available in the Diamond painting kit.
Full Drill Diamond Painting:
Unlike partial drill in full drill diamond painting, diamond covers all of the painted parts of the Painting. It looks like a mosaic and therefore it is also known as Diamond Mosaic. In a full drill diamond painting kit, the same tools are included as we discussed above which come in same sizes as above.
Other than partial and full Diamond Painting, there are two types Diamond beads used in the diamond art. They are as following:
These diamond beads come in the shape of a square and it is more effective than round diamond beads. It uses to cover the whole of the space on the painting and look more beautiful as it has the clean straight lines on the canvas. These square beads are not easier to pick up and fix into a line. This is the only drawback of these.
These diamond beads come in the circular shape but these can’t cover the whole painting as there are no corners in a circle. The diamond paintings with Round diamond beads is looks more seamless. Round diamond beads are easier to pick up and place in a line. But when you view them closely, they will not appear as a perfection to you that the painting is actually about.
What do you need for diamond paintings?
If you are a artist and do not know how to diamond paint, then don’t worry, because you can learn it easily and get started. But before you start, make sure you read all the instructions and get familiar about the creative art process. All you need is that you make sure that you buy your first diamond kit. For that you must be aware of things that are includes in every diamond kit.
Some basic materials that every kit contains are:
- Design charts
- Colourful sparkly diamond beads
- Diamond sticking tool
- Wax
There are different types of diamond art kits. Some kits contain round beads and some contain square beads. It’s your choice what type of beads you prefer for your painting. If you go for square beads it comes out to be more clean picture like a mosaic while if you go for round beads, the picture looks like a cross stitch piece. These beads are packaged based on colour.
The diamond art kit also comes with a chart and design layout that is protected with a plastic film. When you peel out one side of chart, it reveals a sticky surface. This sticky surface allows your diamond beads to stick on chart. However it’s your choice whether you remove peel out full chart or half. It’s recommended to remove small parts of chart on which you want to work. In that way it will protect your chart from dust or spills and also prevent the sticky surface from drying out.
If you do not know how to diamond paint, then you should also be aware of the difference between canvas and picture size. Some people who are new to diamond painting often don’t pay attention to correct dimensions as they don’t know the difference between picture size and canvas size. The canvas size is bigger than the picture one. For beginners it’s advised to use small picture area. But normally experienced crafters choose bigger picture size as it shines more and comes out with better resolution.
How to Diamond paint?
Before you start with your painting, you should know how to diamond paint and what is DMC ? DMC means diamond painting colour chart. There are 447 standard colours in this chart. Whichever bead you use, square or rectangle, colour for both remains same. The packages of diamonds are labeled with their colour number and name which helps you to choose the correct colour. After you peel your chart for your painting, a sticky surface comes out where you stick your diamonds. If you want to work after taking intervals, you should sticky surface with the sheet again. It prevents your chart from dust and losing its stickiness.
It’s good if you start your work from bottom to up in your painting. Also it works great if at a time you work with same colour. You can put your beads in a tray that comes with your kit. The beads should be positioned and picked in such a way with applicator tool that you could easily put it on your sheet.
After you finish your painting, wrap all your tools again with plastic sheet and close the wax tub properly.
You can buy diamond painting kits here.
Getting started
- Open your wax tub and dip your applicator tool in it.
- Now pick your diamond beads with the help of that tool. Put your tool to the rounded side of bead. Your beads will stick with wax easily.
- Now carefully press the diamond bead on chart where you want to put.
- Repeat above steps until your design is complete.
- After you complete your design, cover your chart with the protective film again and gently roll on it to secure your beads.
Tips & Tricks for diamond painting
Well, if you do not know a lot about how to diamond paint, then we can help you make diamond painting whole lot more easier and fun with some creative tips and tricks. If you are a beginner, these tips and tricks can be life-saver for you as it can help in easy peel back, and give a good diamond art work. Let’s have a look:
Choose a kit that makes you happy
There are many diamond kits that are available in the market. You should rather choose one that makes you feel good about it and interests you more into practicing this beautiful art. You might want to find an enormous kit that you would love to look at for long period of time so that you’re always engaged.
Sticking diamonds with hands on the large chunks can piss you off at some stage unless you speed up the process with the help of some intelligent tools. You may have to spend time to peel back the diamonds from your hands. There are multi tools available that lets you pick 2 or more crystals/diamonds at one time. This way, you can save your time and maintain your interest in the artwork you’re creating.
A toothpick might actually help you add the detailing and perfection factor to your diamond art. A toothpick is a handy way for nudging wayward crystals back in line, or picking up the dropped ones.
To start with, peel back the clear sheet covering the adhesive on the canvas in small sections. It will help you keep the adhesive fresh while you place the gems on that particular part! If the piece is large, you can out the cut in the clear sheet with the help of cutter to let you peel back smaller sections at a time so the adhesive won’t dry out when you come to a particular section.
Since the drills used in the diamond art are made of resin and are lightweight, they tend to stick together. Cutting small parts of dryer sheets to store with your diamonds will keep them from sticking around to create a mess.
You can use any kind of resealable container for it. The best options are plastic resealable bags and small jars. You can even use a tackle box! Whatever container works best for you will help keep you stay organized with your diamonds.
It is a good thing to label all the containers with the number of their color as well as the corresponding symbol. It will help you stay organized and make your work easier.
Here are some other diamond painting tips that might help.
Introduction to Painting by Numbers
If you do not know a lot about diamond painting, then here is something new for you regarding the diamond painting numbers. It’s a painting that is done on a board where areas of different shapes are divided and each area is marked with a number. A corresponding numbered paint is used on the blue or gray lines of the board. Each area is painted with same colour number which ultimately gives a finished painting. Special kits with painting charts are provided for these paintings.
Though the different shapes of areas don’t give any meaning to painting individually but put together that gives a beautiful finish art. It’s an excellent exercise which helps you to learn brushing tips.
What do you need to paint by numbers?
To get started with paint by numbers, you need to have a diamond art kit that is specially made for this only. It includes a brush, different paint colours and a picture. Before you buy any painting kit, be sure what type of paint your kit contains. Acrylic and oil paints are the most common one. The acrylic paint is preferred more as compared to oil one as it dries quickly.
Some companies provide paints with all colours that you need to paint. It’s always mentioned in your kit whether it contains pre-mixed paint or not. If it’s not pre-mixed, it means you yourself have to mix paints of different colours to get the shades you need. That’s why make sure to read the description of product before buying.
How to get started with painting by numbers?
If you are a beginner to this type of painting, than it’s a good exercise for you. It will help you to learn the brush control and you will learn how to diamond paint. Using brush accurately up to each points of design is a crucial skill that every artists need to develop.
You should always start from the top to bottom in your picture as it prevents spoiling your picture from wet paint. Also prefer painting the smaller areas first rather than larger ones.
Getting started
- Read all the instructions enclosed in your kit before you start your painting
- Cover your working area with newspapers and keep a towel or old cloth with you.
- Keep a jar or bowl of water with you to wash your brush after paint or colour change.
- See the chart carefully and decide the area where you want to paint.
- Now select the colour with the number same as mentioned in chart.
- Open your paint pot and stir it properly with a stick or brush.
- Paint all areas numbered with same colour number you have chosen.
- Repeat this process with new colour until your painting is completed.
- After you finish your painting let it get dry and wash your brush off carefully to avoid accidentally spoiling your painting.
Instructions for painting by numbers
Some special instructions that one should show before you start your painting :
- If you are mixing colours yourself, mix in small amounts at a time, so that even if you don’t get the desired colour after mix, it won’t waste much.
- Fill every small area in the painting with the help of toothpick or small tip size brush.
- Wear an apron or old clothes before you start. It will prevent your clothes from stain of paint.
- Always close the paint pots tightly that aren’t being used to prevent them from drying out.
- If you accidentally painted any area with a wrong colour, wait for that paint to dry out and than simply paint over it with the new colour.
- Wash your brush thoroughly before you put it in different colour.
Tips & Tricks for Painting By Numbers
Paint by numbers is easier than other type of paintings, but here are some tips & tricks which will help you to know how to diamond paint and create a masterpiece and have fun. They are as following:
Choose a Numbers – Paint kit that perfectly matches to your skill level. Because more color mixing and bigger size will lead to confusion. It makes you a little disappointed and frustrated if you have to leave the painting in middle. So don’t go above or down then your level while choosing.
You can buy Paint By Number Kits Here
You can’t concentrate on the painting if the lightning is dim at the place where you are painting your first diamond. Choose an area with bright lights or an open place for painting. Painting is a way of getting into relaxation and happiness, so if you are not concentrated then it can’t work for your mind properly and you cannot enjoy it. On other hand, if you are a professional artist and used to draw painting regularly then the dim light also affects your eye vision and make your eyes weaker.
When you are looking for relaxation and peace for your mind and you have chosen painting by numbers for that, then you also need to look for a quiet place where no one can disturb you. An empty room at the side of house or garden can be a good choice for this.
Start by painting the smallest portion as it takes more concentration while filling paints into it. Also keep a magnifying glass in hand to fill that small portions and use brush with small tip. It can prevent the color to get filled into other portions. You can also use toothpicks for mixing colors and filling small portions. This is a great tip to make you learn how to diamond paint
In painting by numbers, when you have filled a portion with color, let that dry out for 10 to 15 minutes. It is because there is the possibility that the wet colors can be spread into neighbor portions. So to prevent this let the painting alone to be dry time to time. Other main thing is don’t get yourself paint in busy schedule. Start the painting only when you are free for 4 to 6 hours or on a holiday.
When you end the work of one color and going to start painting with the next color, do not forget to wash the brush with water properly to prevent the mixing of colors. Also let the brush dry after washing. Because if you accidentally mix two colors, you will form a third color that you do not intend to fill. Using warm water and soap water works better than simple water.
For some of the kits where only simple color mixing is needed, start with lighter colors to fill your painting and then go for dark colors. Also keep some original colors on side to fill the empty places that you forget to fill before.
Take the colors in appropriate quantity to fill because by having the excess paint on your brush can lead the paint run into other areas of the painting. By this painting will look ugly which will ultimately ruin your goal of relaxation and happiness.
You should start filling the colors on the diamond art from the top so that the paint that needs to be dry will be left above your hand. If you start from lower end then there are the possibilities that the painting will be a mess with regular spreading of colors with your hands.
Once the diamond art became dry without being used, they become useless. So, do not forget to close the each color pot after using to prevent them from drying. Another problem is that you will have a hard time finding the same shade of color once you have lost it.
After finishing, frame the diamond art as it is the best way to keep it protected. Framing will keep it away from dust and it will also prevent the colors from fading with time. It also makes the life of the painting much longer than the painting with only canvas.
Benefits of Diamond Art And Paint by numbers
- Full of fun and enjoyable activity for art lovers - no matter old or young.
- Improve your concentration level and makes you more attentive and focused person with relaxed mind.
- Create a hand-made art of decoration for your home.
- You can also choose a diamond art paint as a birthday gift for your wife or best friend, they will love it. After finding that you have created it by your own creativity they will become a fan of yours.
- It will also improve your creativity level and unleash the artist within you.
- It is a great way of spending time creatively because you don’t need to know about any of the basic skills about diamond art. Even a beginner can create an awesome painting with the help of painting kits.
Checkout more about 5d diamond painting kits at All you need to do is sign up with your email address and pick the diamond art kit which suits your requirement and stay excited to get started!
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